Rabu, 29 Oktober 2014

PDF⋙ Makers at Work: Folks Reinventing the World One Object or Idea at a Time by Steven Osborn

Makers at Work: Folks Reinventing the World One Object or Idea at a Time by Steven Osborn

Makers at Work: Folks Reinventing the World One Object or Idea at a Time

Makers at Work: Folks Reinventing the World One Object or Idea at a Time by Steven Osborn PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

What do you get when you combine an electronics hobbyist, hacker, garage mechanic, kitchen table inventor, tinkerer, and entrepreneur? A “maker,” of course. Playful and creative, makers are―through expertise and experimentation―creating art, products, and processes that change the way we think and interact with the world.  

As you’ll see from the 21 interviews in Makers at Work, inquisitive makers are just as apt to pick up a laser cutter or an Arduino as a wrench to fashion something new. For example, you’ll meet Jeri Ellsworth, who might provide a video lecture on magnetic logic one day and a tutorial on welding a roll bar on a stock car the next. You’ll also meet Eben Upton, who put cheap, powerful computing in the hands of everyone with the Raspberry Pi; Becky Stern, who jazzes up clothing with sensors and LEDs; and bunnie Huang, who knows the ins and outs of the Shenzhen, China, electronics parts markets as well as anyone. As all the interviews in Makers at Work show, makers have something in common: reverence for our technical past coupled with an aversion to convention. If they can’t invent new processes or products, it’s simply not worth doing.

Crazy as foxes, makers―working in the spirit of Tesla, Wozniak, Edison, Gates, Musk and many others―can bring sophisticated products to the people or to the market as fast or faster than large corporations. And they are not just enabling new technologies and devices―they are changing the way these devices are funded, manufactured, assembled, and delivered.

Makers at Work puts a spotlight on the maker mindset and motivation of those who are reinventing the world one object or idea at a time. You will:

  • Meet the individuals who define what it means to be a maker.
  • Learn about the tools and technologies driving the new industrial revolution.
  • Discover ways to scale your weekend project into a profitable business.
  • See how others have used to crowdfunding to make their visions a reality.
  • Learn how open-source hardware and software is enabling whole new categories of products by removing barriers of entry for inventors.

The new masters of the “Makerverse” ask two questions: Can it be done? Is it fun? As these interviews will show, the answer to both questions is, “Let’s find out.”

From reader reviews:

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Gordon Woods:

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Bethany Zuniga:

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Read Makers at Work: Folks Reinventing the World One Object or Idea at a Time by Steven Osborn for online ebook

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Rabu, 22 Oktober 2014

PDF⋙ Transgender Identities: Within and beyond the constraints of heteronormativity by Angie fee

Transgender Identities: Within and beyond the constraints of heteronormativity by Angie fee

Transgender Identities: Within and beyond the constraints of heteronormativity

Transgender Identities: Within and beyond the constraints of heteronormativity by Angie fee PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Angie Fee argues that there are gaps in the training of counsellors/therapists that leave important issues of sexuality and gender mainly unexplored. The binary categorisation of sexuality into homo and hetero, and gender into man and woman has simplified reduced complex phenomena. She believes that sexuality and gender cannot be summed up by using pathological and biological models alone and more attention needs to be paid to the influence of culture and society. She argues that the cultural is often invisible, so not yet thinkable about in terms of how it influences our own belief system. Angie's work goes beyond calling for tolerance and acceptance and calls for an examination of the influence of heterosexual ideology. Heterosexuality is continually produced and reproduced in social practice and psychological therapies without any exploring into how the concept of heterosexuality came to be constructed. Her interest is in challenging therapy trainings to address the role heterosexuality has in their theories which will then enable a more flexible space for thinking about desires outwith a heteronomative paradigm.

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Herbert White:

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Mary Perry:

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Joan Ortega:

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Senin, 13 Oktober 2014

PDF⋙ The Framework Of Plasma Physics (Frontiers in Physics) by Richard D. Hazeltine, Francois L. Waelbroeck

The Framework Of Plasma Physics (Frontiers in Physics) by Richard D. Hazeltine, Francois L. Waelbroeck

The Framework Of Plasma Physics (Frontiers in Physics)

The Framework Of Plasma Physics (Frontiers in Physics) by Richard D. Hazeltine, Francois L. Waelbroeck PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Plasma physics is a necessary part of our understanding of stellar and galactic structure. It determines the magnetospheric environment of the earth and other planets; it forms the research frontier in such areas as nuclear fusion, advanced accelerators, and high power lasers; and its applications to various industrial processes (such as computer chip manufacture) are rapidly increasing. It is thus a subject with a long list of scientific and technological applications. This book provides the scientific background for understanding such applications, but it emphasizes something else: the intrinsic scientific interest of the plasma state. It attempts to develop an understanding of this state, and of plasma behavior, as thoroughly and systematically as possible. The book was written with the graduate student in mind, but most of the material would also fit into an upper-level undergraduate course.

From reader reviews:

Janet Smith:

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Selasa, 07 Oktober 2014

PDF⋙ Introduction to Wavelets and Wavelet Transforms: A Primer by C. Sidney Burrus, Ramesh A. Gopinath, Haitao Guo

Introduction to Wavelets and Wavelet Transforms: A Primer by C. Sidney Burrus, Ramesh A. Gopinath, Haitao Guo

Introduction to Wavelets and Wavelet Transforms: A Primer

Introduction to Wavelets and Wavelet Transforms: A Primer by C. Sidney Burrus, Ramesh A. Gopinath, Haitao Guo PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

This book is the only source available that presents a unified view of the theory and applications of discrete and continuous- time signals. This is the only book to present the mathematical point of view, as well as the discrete-time signal processing perspective. It brings together information previously available only in research papers, in engineering and applied mathematics. Appropriate for researchers and practitioners in signal processing and applied mathematics.

From reader reviews:

Richard Cassidy:

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Teresa Hunter:

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Jeanne Pratt:

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PDF⋙ Developments in Structural Form by Rowland Mainstone

Developments in Structural Form by Rowland Mainstone

Developments in Structural Form

Developments in Structural Form by Rowland Mainstone PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

In the critically acclaimed first edition of this book, Mainstone offered a brilliant and highly original account of the structural developments that have made possible the achievements of architects and bridge builders throughout history.

In this extensively revised and expanded new edition, now available in paperback, new insights and a full coverage of recent developments in both design and construction are incorporated. The book identifies features that distinguish the forms built by man from those shaped by nature and discusses the physical and other constraints on the choices that can be made. It then looks in turn at all the elementary forms - arches, domes, beams, slabs and the like - which combine into the more complex forms of complete structures, and at the different classes of the complete forms themselves. The development of each form is traced chronologically, but with an emphasis less on the chronology than on the problems that designers have continually faced in trying to serve new ends with limited means or to serve old ones in new ways. The book concludes with a chapter on the processes of design, showing how the designer's freedom of choice has been widened by a growing understanding of structural behaviour.

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Megan Lapointe:

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Andrea Winburn:

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Senin, 06 Oktober 2014

PDF⋙ Gettysburg (Images of America) by Dolly Nasby

Gettysburg (Images of America) by Dolly Nasby

Gettysburg (Images of America)

Gettysburg (Images of America) by Dolly Nasby PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Located about ninety minutes from three major metro areas―Washington, Baltimore, and Philadelphia―Gettysburg sits in the “fertile crescent,” an area brimming with agricultural possibilities. Founded in the 1700s by James Gettys, the little town became headline material during the Civil War, although area residents never expected to be at the forefront of that controversy. Fate, however, had its way with the town, and Gettysburg found itself on the map permanently. When President Dwight D. Eisenhower retired here, Gettysburg became the place to visit for international tourists as well as Americans. Today, the National Park Service maintains the Gettysburg National Military Park, and the town caters to its visitors. Still imbued with small-country charm, Gettysburg beckons visitors from far and wide and treats them royally.

From reader reviews:

Cynthia Sharma:

Reading a guide tends to be new life style within this era globalization. With reading you can get a lot of information that can give you benefit in your life. With book everyone in this world can share their idea. Publications can also inspire a lot of people. Many author can inspire their very own reader with their story as well as their experience. Not only the storyplot that share in the books. But also they write about the information about something that you need example of this. How to get the good score toefl, or how to teach your sons or daughters, there are many kinds of book that you can get now. The authors these days always try to improve their proficiency in writing, they also doing some investigation before they write for their book. One of them is this Gettysburg (Images of America).

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Sabtu, 04 Oktober 2014

PDF⋙ Manners with Technology (Monstrous Manners) by Bridget Heos

Manners with Technology (Monstrous Manners) by Bridget Heos

Manners with Technology (Monstrous Manners)

Manners with Technology (Monstrous Manners) by Bridget Heos PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

A young monster who takes her sister’s tablet computer without asking gets a lesson in online etiquette and appropriate use of electronics.

From reader reviews:

Gabriel Harris:

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Phyllis Sharrow:

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Rabu, 01 Oktober 2014

PDF⋙ Lifelong Landscape Design by Hugh Dargan, Mary Palmer Dargan

Lifelong Landscape Design by Hugh Dargan, Mary Palmer Dargan

Lifelong Landscape Design

Lifelong Landscape Design by Hugh Dargan, Mary Palmer Dargan PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

“A holistic approach to enhancing health and longevity through the creation of outdoor spaces.” ―Mary Palmer Dargan, ASLA

Lifelong landscape design means thinking about more than your garden. It involves encouraging your community to be a well-rooted environment consisting of friends who share home-grown produce, walk in the neighborhood, recycle, water harvest, compost and are watchful of each other’s well-being.

Lifelong landscape designs create environments that connect with nature, encompass a home, and promote healthy living by providing mobility, social interaction, and places to sustain the body and soul. Learn easy steps to design your own lifelong landscape through more than 200 landscape patterns and activities that illustrate components of healthy living. Enhance the quality of your life at any stage with practical advice from this inspirational landscape architect with more than 30 years experience.

Mary Palmer Dargan is a nationally known principal in the Atlanta-based firm of Dargan Landscape Architects. Her projects have been published in many national publications and on Home and Garden Television (HGTV). She is a member of the American Society of Landscape Architects.

From reader reviews:

Melanie Moore:

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William Fuller:

Do you one of the book lovers? If so, do you ever feeling doubt while you are in the book store? Try and pick one book that you just dont know the inside because don't assess book by its deal with may doesn't work at this point is difficult job because you are afraid that the inside maybe not because fantastic as in the outside look likes. Maybe you answer could be Lifelong Landscape Design why because the fantastic cover that make you consider with regards to the content will not disappoint anyone. The inside or content will be fantastic as the outside or cover. Your reading sixth sense will directly guide you to pick up this book.

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